Atlanta Birth Center is one of only two stand-alone birthing centers in the state of Georgia.
Your donation today helps provide holistic childbirth experiences with comprehensive midwife care in a supportive environment. We nurture the birthing experience for nearly 500 mothers each year from diverse backgrounds and circumstances.
A simple donation can make a big difference in our vision of a of community where birth is embraced as the most fundamental part of a conscious and connected human experience, where women's voices are heard and medical intervention is a necessary exception – not the norm.
Metro Atlanta is replete with underserved communities, including our refugees, teens, and homeless populations. Providing access to information on women’s health and evidence-based care can significantly improve outcomes and contribute to the greater good of our community. Our goal is that 15% of our clients represent such communities, but we cannot do this alone. Please consider funding midwifery-model prenatal, birth, and postpartum care for families in Atlanta’s underserved population. We believe how a woman is cared for and empowered through her births has a lifelong positive impact on how she recognizes her own abilities and strengths. This empowered woman gives back to making her own community safer, healthier, and more compassionate for her children and mothers that come after her. Help us change the trajectory and possibility for positive change.
Atlanta Birth Center is a Georgia Nonprofit Corporation which has been granted tax-exempt status as a IRS Section 501(c)(3) public charity. Your contribution will enable our organization to further our purpose of operating and expanding an accredited birth and wellness facility in Atlanta, providing family-centered and evidence-based care, accessible to all. No goods or services were provided to you in exchange for this contribution.